Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Will Render Litigators Obsolete? - Law Firm Business - Strategist

I don't typically re-post articles, but in this case I just couldn't help myself.

Will Render Litigators Obsolete? - Law Firm Business - Strategist

Litigation is about half of my practice (the other half is a mix of estate planning, probate and trust administration). Somehow, I don't feel threatened by the likes of JabberJury. This is probably because the kind of dispute that someone would try to resolve through this web site is likely not the kind of dispute that needs a lawyer, and is very likely not the kind of dispute that I would take on, anyway.

With that said, I think JabberJury is a great idea. My heretical thought for the day is that too many people are too eager to hire lawyers to resolve their disputes, and the lawyers are often do too much work that has little benefit to their clients. Maybe as sites like JabberJury evolve, they can turn into something that really is a benefit to everyone.

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